
Ribbon-cutting ceremony during the inauguration of the Pietrucha Manufacturing Philippines, Inc. (PMPI); L to R starting from 2nd on the right: Ambassador Ms. Patricia Ann Paez, Freeport Area of Bataan Administrator Mr. Emmanuel Pineda, Polish Ambassador Mr. Marcin Kubiak, Undersecretsry of State of Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Joanna Wronecka, Pietrucha Group’s CEO Mr. Jerzy Pietrucha, Board of Investments Director Ms. Angelica Cayas, and Design Science founder Mr. Roberto Tenchavez


CEO of Pietrucha Group Mr. Jerzy Pietrucha  


Founder of Design Science Mr. Roberto Tenchavez 


Amb. Paez and Bataan Governor Mr. Albert Garcia (2nd from the right)


Second row: BOI Director Ms. Angelica Cayas, Amb. Paez, and Polish businessman Mr. Jacek Boguslawski before the start of the inauguration program


L to R: Director Mr. Marcin Jankowski of the Ministry of Economy, Honorary Consul Fernandino Lising, Jr. Amb. Paez, and Mr. Robert Tenchavez


During the press conference; from L to R: Undersecretry Mrs. Wronecka, Board of Investments Managing Head Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo, and Amb. Paez


Press conference; L to R: FAB Administrator Mr. Pineda, CEO Mr. Pietrucha, Governor Garcia, Undersecretary Wronecka, Undersecretary Rodolfo and Amb. Paez


L to R: Mr. Tenchavez, FAB Administrator Emmanuel Pineda, Amb. Paez, Bataan Governor Garcia, Director Cayas, and other FAB officials


Inside the production plant


Undersecretary of State Mrs. Joanna Wronecka delivering her remarks


L to R: Bataan Governor Mr. Albert Garcia, Mr. Robert Kurowski  of the Pietrucha Group and Mr. Roberto Tenchavez


Undersecretary of State Mrs. Wronecka looking at the vynil piling products with Mr. Robert Kurowski of the Pietrucha Group; at the back is Mr. Maciej Falkowski

   The manufacturing facility of the Pietrucha Manufacturing Philippines, Inc.  - the first Poland-Philippines joint venture between Poland’s Pietrucha Group led by CEO Mr. Jerzy Pietrucha and the Philippines’ Design Science led by its founder Mr. Roberto Tenchavez - was officially inaugurated at the Freeport Area of Bataan in Mariveles, Bataan last 11 October 2016.

   The plant is manufacturing vinyl-sheet piling products which are used “to reinforce flood protection systems, construct flood walls, protect the banks of  water reservoirs, protect slopes and excavation sites and prevent landslides.” They are “environment-friendly,  lightweight and are an extremely durable and advanced alternative to the traditional materials such as steel, concrete, or wood.”

   Philippine ambassador to Poland Ms. Patricia Ann V. Paez said:

   “This joint venture manifests investor confidence in the Philippines under the Duterte administration and is noteworthy for three reasons. First. the PMPI’s products which are for flood as well as soil erosion prevention and control are badly needed in the Philippines and in the Asia-Pacific region which are prone ro flooding and to tsunamis. Second, it involves the transfer of civil engineering technology from Poland to the Philippines. Third, it highlights the Philippines as an ideal platform from which to export products to other Southeast Asian markets.”

   Mr. Jerzy Pietrucha, CEO of the Pietrucha Group said, “The Pietrucha Manufacturing Philippines is part of our long-term investment strategy which assumes strengthening of our international exposure, especially in regions sensitive to climate changes. The plant was designed to meet the development potential of the group and will greatly support our supply chain logsitics, putting us closer to our customers in our core and most dynamically developing markets.”

   Mr. Roberto Tenchaves, founder of Design Science which is a leading infrastructure-engineering company in the Philippines remarked: “ I strongly believe in the tremendopus grotwth potential of our joint venture, Apart from this, catering to the booming construction market, the Bataan plant will serve as an export base to the ASEAN.”


Honorary Consul Lising, Amb. Paez, and Mr. Tenchavez at the production plant


Grand opening welcome streamer for the Polish delegation and Philippine officials


The Philippine and Polish flags hoisted outside the production plant of the Pietrucha Manufacturing Philippines, Inc.