
Philippine envoy to Poland Ambassador Patricia Ann V. Paez, along with other ambassadors, participated in the tree-planting activity in the Lasek na Kole forest last 27 October 2014 which was initiated by the City Government of Warsaw led by Mayor Mme. Hanna Grokiewicz-Waltz.

According to Mr. Leszek Drogosz, Director of the Office of Infrastructure of Warsaw City, 1,500 trees and shrubs such as larches, pines and hawthorns were planted during the event.

Mr. Drogosz said that the activity was part of the “Partnership for Climate” Platform under the auspices of the Capital City of Warsaw and the “Tree Day” campaign implemented jointly with the Gaja Club which aimed to plant 2,500 trees as a way of commemorating 25 years of Poland’s democratic transformation.

Mr. Drogosz added: “This year’s tree planting campaign was also a continuation of the initiative (began) last year when, as part of the events organized during the UN Climate Change Conference COP 19 held in Warsaw, the Conference participants, representatives of diplomatic posts and of non-government organizations, partners of the “Partnership for Climate” Platform and children from Warsaw schools planted 9,000 trees in urban areas and state forest. Planting those trees was a nod towards nature and an expression of Warsaw’s commitment to ecology.”
