ADVISORY 01-2012

All Filipinos staying illegally in Poland are advised to avail themselves of the amnesty program currently offered by the Government through its Office for Foreigners (Urząd Do Spraw Cudzoziemców, UDSC).

All applications for granting residence permit for a fixed period under the amnesty must be filed at the Voivode with territorial jurisdiction over your place of residence and within the period 01 January 2012 until 02 July 2012.

Filipinos, without valid residence permits, may apply for amnesty if they have been staying in the territory of Poland:

  1. Continuously at least since 20 December 2007 and whose stay in the country on 01 January 2012 is illegal;
  2. Continuously at least since 01 January 2010 and who before that date received a final decision to refuse refugee status, including the decision  to expel, and whose stay in the country on 01 January 2012 is illegal; and,
  3. For whom subsequent proceedings for obtaining refugee status were ongoing on 01 January 2010.

To download the instruction for foreigners applying for the residence permit for a fixed period of time under the amnesty, please refer to:

To download a sample copy of the application form, please refer to: kroku/wniosek_o_udzielenie_zezwolenia_na_zamieszkanie_na_czas_oznaczony_wzor.pdf.

For further inquiries, please call up the Consular Section of the Embassy.

Warsaw, 10 February 2012